ORATION Delivered at Boston, 6 March 1775 “MY EVER HONOURED FELLOW CITIZENS, It is not without the most humiliating conviction of my want of ability that I now appear before you: but the sense I have of the obligation I am under to obey the calls of my country at all times, together with an […]
by Warren
Caring for Governor Hutchinson’s Employee a Year after the Boston Massacre? Another Page Ripped from Dr. Joseph Warren’s Missing Account Books

Author: Joseph Warren Date: January 16-17, 1771 Source: Fragment of the Medical Day Book, New York: New York Historical Society, Misc Manuscripts “W.” Two sided day book page fragment in Joseph Warren’s handwriting, no signature. Accompanying notation states, “January 20, 1866 – attest Ellis Ames, Canton Massachusetts.” All presently known surviving fragments of Warren’s lost […]
“Last Victim of the Boston Massacre” Appears in Another Fragment of Dr. Joseph Warren’s Missing Account Books

Author: Joseph Warren Date: February 2-3, 1771 Source: Two sided day book page fragment in Joseph Warren’s handwriting, no signature. Sold at Kaminski’s Thanksgiving Auction November 30, 2008, Lot 008B for $550 plus 20% buyer’s premium. The document is currently presumed to be in private hands. Images by permission of Kaminski Auctions, Beverly, MA. As […]
Another Fragment of Joseph Warren’s Missing Account Books: Christopher Monk, an Enslaved Royall, Alms House Poor

Author: Joseph Warren Date: January 23-25, 1771 Source: Two sided day book page fragment in Joseph Warren’s handwriting, no signature. Image courtesy of Mr. John Quinlan, current private owner of the document. Sold by Skinner’s at their books and manuscripts auction 2571B as lot 131 on November 13, 2011 for $858. The auctioneer’s listing notes […]
Date: March 5, 1772 quis talia fando/Myrmidonum, Dolopumve, aut duri miles Ulyssei, /Temperet a lacrymis. (Vergil, Aeneid Bk. II, 6-8) When we turn over the historic page, and trace the rise and fall of states and empires, the mighty revolutions which have so often varied the face of the world strike our minds and with […]
“Cambridge, June 4, 1775. May it please your Honours: We beg leave to represent to you the peculiar distresses of this Colony, being assured that you will, as the wise guardians of the lives, liberties, and properties of the whole of this extensive Continent, attend to the several circumstances of all who, under God, look […]
Date: September 24, 1774 “Messieurs Printers, -As I have been informed that the conduct of some few persons of the Episcopal denomination, in maintaining principles inconsistent with the rights and liberties of mankind, has given offence to some of the jealous friends of this country, I think myself obliged to publish the following extract of […]
“To Mr. Daniel Brainerd and others of the Committee of East Haddam [Connecticut]. Boston, Sept. 1, 1774. Gentlemen, -The town of East Haddam, in their letter of the 24th August, discover such a cordial sympathy for our distress, and give such a pleasing proof of their resolution to assist us, as makes us more than […]
Date: September 9, 1774 “At a meeting of the delegates of every town and district in the county of Suffolk, on Tuesday, the 6th of September, at the house of Mr. Richard Woodward, of Dedham, and, by adjournment, at the house of Mr. Daniel Vose, of Milton, on Friday, the 9th instant,” Joseph Palmer, Esq., […]
“Cambridge, June 4, 1775. May it please your Honours: We beg leave to represent to you the peculiar distresses of this Colony, being assured that you will, as the wise guardians of the lives, liberties, and properties of the whole of this extensive Continent, attend to the several circumstances of all who, under God, look […]