by Dr. Thomas Young To Democritus. Alternate confessions and denials issue so freely from some persons, that these with their hints of some magazines of scandal yet unbroached, and sly in[n]uendoes of being loaded with mighty secrets, obtained in closest friendship, give their productions a formidable aspect. Threaten again, Democritus, as you or the good-natur’d […]
about Warren 1766-1770
Author: Misophlauros, a pseudonym of Dr. Thomas Young Date: June 15, 1767 “In Messrs. Fleets Paper of April 20, 1767, was published an account of a woman in Boston in a pulmonary phthisis, with troublesome fatiguing cough and fever rising irregularly, sometimes to inflammation. One lobe of the lungs more affected than the other, the […]
Date: June 1, 1767 “To the PUBLIC. The case between Dr. Whitworth and myself stood reduced to this single alternative; I was a rash ignorant chance-medly manslayer: Or Dr. Whitworth an intemperate incompetent judge of the matter he laid to my charge. For my vindication I stated the facts at large, and quoted such authorities […]
Dr. Young to Joseph Warren: The World Is Not So Stupid as to Take All Your Trash for Granted by Wholesale

Date: June 1, 1767 “To Philo Physic An Arbiter between contending Parties needs as least some qualifications to give either the parties or the public an evidence of his right to intermeddle – Candour should be copied from somebody if the judge is wholly destitute of it himself – Manly sense and perspicuity could not […]
Author: John Adams Date: 1800s referring to events of 1768 or 1769 “I was solicited to go to the Town Meetings and harrangue there. This I constantly refused. My Friend Dr. Warren the most frequently urged me to this: My Answer to him always was “That way madness lies.” The Symptoms of our great Friend […]
“Last week an interesting case came on before the Superior Court now sitting here, wherein D. Joseph Warren, administrator on the estate of Nathaniel Wheelwright, Esq; late of Boston, deceased, was plaintiff, for the recovery of part of the estate which the said Nathaniel had made over to Charles W. Apthorp, Esq:-The trial lasted four […]
Author: John Adams Date: April 8, 1768 “And the said Joseph Warren agreeing that s[ai]d Phillip may give any special matter in Evidence and in general and upon the said Phillip agreeing that he may wave this plea & [substitute] with that plea of s[ai]d Phillip before pleaded insufficient in law to preclude him s[ai]d […]
Date: December 5, 1770 Author: George Green to his brother Joseph Green “My mother has let out the house to one Doctor Warren, & boards with him, as she did not choose to move out of a place she has been so long us’d to. She reserves to herself the 2 front chambers and keeps […]
Date: December 18, 1769 “Last week an interesting trial came on before the Superior Court now sitting here, wherein Dr. Joseph Warren, administrator on the estate of Nathaniel Wheelwright, Esq; late of Boston, deceased, was plaintiff, for the recovery of part of the estate which the said Nathaniel had made over to Charles W. Apthorp, […]
Date: May 8, 1769 Pursuant to a Note of the Town of Boston at their Annual Meetings the 4[th] of May last desiring the Selectmen to visit the several publick Schools in the Town and to invite such Gentlemen to accompany them therein as they should think proper & to Report thereon— We the Subscribers […]