Author: T.N. Monument-Maker (pseudonym, possibly Thomas Newell) Date: March 27, 1769 “I am informed of what passed with the Grand Jury last Week, relative to a Paper signed A True Patriot, published in the Supplement to your Gazette of February 29, 1768. – I imagined nothing more would have been said upon a Subject which […]
about Warren 1766-1770
Author: John Adams Date: July 21, 1805,-referring to events of 1768 or 1769 “I was solicited to go to the Town Meetings and harrangue there. This I constantly refused. My Friend Dr. Warren the most frequently urged me to this: My Answer to him always was “That way madness lies.” The Symptoms of our great […]
Date: 1780, referring to events of 1768 Author: Peter Oliver “…Independence, it is true, was declared in Congress in 1776, but it was settled in Boston, in 1768, by [Samuel] Adams & his Junto. I have Authority for this Assertion; the Authority of a Gentleman who was tampered with by the aforementioned Major Genl. Warren, […]
Date: June 14, 1768 “Upon a Motion made and seconded, Voted, that Dr. Joseph Warren Dr. Benjamin Church Mr. Samuel Adams be a Committee to prepare the form of a Vote, to be laid before the Town at the Adjournment; expressing their great dislike at the manners of procedure in the Custom house Officers in […]
Date: May 4, 1768 “The Article in the Warrant Viz. ‘To consider of some proper Representations to be made respecting the Difficulties the Trade labour under by means of the late Regulations, and Methods to be taken for our Relief’ was read – whereupon Voted, that Mr. Henderson Inches Joshua Henshaw Esq The Honble. James […]
Author: X., a Loyalist pseudonym Date: March 18, 1768 “London, December 19. From the Public Ledger. To the Printer. If the People of Great Britain were not as remarkable for inconsistency as for any other of their distinguishing characteristics, one would be tempted to imagine them possessed of worse minds, than the most barbarous savages […]
Date: March 7, 1768 Author: Butler, probably a pseudonym “The scandalous, factious, threatning Piece, – nay the infamous, detestable virulent scrawl in Edes and Gill’s last Monday’s paper – that so truly deserved the censure of the lower – as well as the upper –, I find was explained away by – C—y and – […]
Date: March 7, 1768 Author: Observator, a pseudonym “I Observe in the Boston Gazette of the 29th of Feb. last [a] piece signed a True Patriot; — if scolding without reasoning, or alledging facts without proving them will intitle a man to the appellation of a true Patriot, he is justly intitled to it. It […]
Date: March 9, 1767 Author: Friend of the Province, a pseudonym “To Paskalos. As you by a long chain of poisonous suggestions and guilded falsities, have most assiduously attempted to inflame the minds of the people of this province, and irritate them against the G—r, whose firmness of mind dispises such mean arts, painting him […]
Date: February 2, 1767 Author: Roger De Coverly, a pseudonym “To the Publishers of the Boston Evening-Post. Please oblige your Readers by giving the following a Place in your next. Notwithstanding the great liberties which the warm opponents of Philanthrop have repeatedly taken with some of the most respectable characters among us, I must own, […]