Date: February 2, 1767 Author: F.F., a pseudonym “To the Printers. – nec, quid speraret, habebat, Tantum inter densas, umbrosa cammina, fagos Assidue veniebat; ibi haec incondita solus Montibus et et sylvis studio jactabit inani.[1] Dr. Philanthrop, in his first paper, asked two or three questions, which by his own logic with […]
about Warren 1766-1770
Date: February 2, 1767 Author: [Anonymous] “Messirs. Fleets. It appears by the Papers of last week, that several of the alphabet have been greatly moved at what they conceive wrote in favor of Philanthrop, and, as in the depth of their penetration they have found out, by his own pen. The visible and invisible world […]
Date: January 12, 1767 Author: C.C., a pseudonym “To the Printers, The Hero, nor in his speeches, nor in his memorials, ever strove harder than Philanthrop, to prove to the world that “the bands of civil society are broken, and that all government here is at and end.” These it has been said, “can never […]
Date: January 12, 1767 Author: Philopatria, a pseudonym “Messieurs Edes & Gill, Philanthrop in one of his performances very roundly asserts, that G—r B—d “has given every possible proof of the most sincere friendship to this much deceived people”: He would perhaps think it invidious in any one to call upon him to produce a […]
Date: January 12, 1767 Author: Philanthrop, a pseudonym “Please to insert the following in your next. Justum et tenacem propositi Virum, Non Civium Ardor prava jubientium, — Mente quatit solida. — — —[1] Hor. When at first I undertook the defence of his E—y, G—r B—d, against the most unjust, ungenerous and indecent attacks […]
Date: November 24, 1766 Author: [Anonymous] “To the Publishers of the Boston Evening-Post. The Letter from the Right Hon. the Earl of Shelburne to the Governor of this province is of public and important concern, and therefore very necessary to be known to the people in general. It was with this view no doubt that […]
Date: June 9, 1766 Author: Beelzebub, a pseudonym “Messi[]rs. Printers, As I was walking the Streets, last Tuesday, I accidentally found the following Letter; and that being the Day on which it was dated, I conclude it never reach’d Paskalos, whoever he is, but was drop’d by the Carrier in his hurry – – – […]