Author: Paul Revere (alleged) Date: 1948 “From Revere’s account books: “Feb 22, 1773, Doct. Joseph Warren. To mend of a Tank and planns. 1.40 To taking out bicuspid 0.40″” Sources: Weinberger, Bernhard Wolf. Introduction to the History of Dentistry in America. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company, 1948. pp. 116-117. The source manuscript which Bernard Weinberger […]
about Warren 1773
“Naturally Impelled to Acts of Treachery” – Dr. Benjamin Church’s 1773 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text

An ORATION; delivered March 5th, 1773, at the Request of the INHABITANTS of the TOWN of BOSTON; to Commemorate the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of March, 1770. By Dr. BENJAMIN CHURCH. Impius haec culta novalia miles habebit? Barbarus has segetes? En quo Discordia cives Perduxit miseros? En queis consevimus agros? Virgil. Ecl. I. O […]
Date: December 13, 1773 The brethren of the Ancient and Honorable Society of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS, are hereby Notified, That the Right Worshipful John Rowe, Esq; Grand Master of North-America, designs to celebrate the Feast of St. JOHN the Evangelist on Monday the 27th of December Instant, at the House of Brother Ingersoll, the […]
“Naturally Impelled to Acts of Treachery”- Benjamin Church’s 1773 Boston Massacre Oration – Full Text

An ORATION; delivered March 5th, 1773, at the Request of the INHABITANTS of the TOWN of BOSTON; to Commemorate the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of March, 1770. By Dr. BENJAMIN CHURCH. Impius haec culta novalia miles habebit? Barbarus has segetes? En quo Discordia cives Perduxit miseros? En queis consevimus agros? Virgil. Ecl. I. O […]
Author: Anonymous Date: [late December 1773] “Rally Mohawks, and bring your axes And tell King George we’ll pay no taxes on his foreign tea; His threats are vain, and vain to think To force our girls and wives to drink his vile Bohea! Then rally, boys, and hasten on To meet our […]
Date: [October 22] 1773 [William Eustis to Dr. John Warren] “Dear BROTHER, This may serve to inform you that as soon as the body of Levi Ames was pronounced dead, by Dr. Jeffries, Dr. Jeffries, it was delivered by the Sheriff [Stephen Greenleaf] to a person who carried it in a cart to the water […]
by William Eustis Date: November 17, 1773 [to Dr. John Warren] Auspicious Youth, These are to congratulate you on the pleasing smile w[h]ich Madame Fortune has been pleased to cast upon you. Your happy success serves to confirm me in the opinion that superior merit seldom fails to meet with its reward. We poor delvers […]
by John Adams Date: January 1, 1773 “1773 January The First, Being Fryday … The Speaker [Samuel Adams], Dr. Warren and Mr. Swift were there – And We Six had a very pleasant Evening. Our Conversation turned upon the Distress of Rhode Island, upon the Judges Dependency, the late numerous Town Meetings, upon Brattles Publication […]