“Boston July 31st. 1766, I Promise to pay Mr. Thomas Walley, or order Eight pounds, Five Shillings & Nine pence Lawf[ul] Money on demand, with Lawfull Interest for the Same till paid, being for Value reciev’d of him — Witness my hand Joseph Warren.” Source: Manuscript promissory note sold during 2000 by Alexander Historical Auctions […]
by Warren 1765-1770
Date: Boston, June 6, 1768 Illustrious Patriot The friends of Liberty, Wilkes, Peace and good order to the number of Forty five, assembled at the Whig Tavern Boston New England, take this first opportunity to congratulate your Country, the British Colonies and yourself, on your happy return to the land worthy such an Inhabitant: worthy! […]
Date: March 14, 1768 “Messieurs Edes & Gill, Please to insert the following. With Pleasure I hear the general Voice of this People in favor of freedom; and it gives me solid satisfaction to find all orders of unplaced independent men, firmly determined, as far as in them lies, to support their own Rights, and […]
Date: March 7, 1768 “Messieurs Edes & Gill, Please to insert the following. My first performance, has by a strange kind of compliment, been by some applied to his Excellency Gov. Bernard. It is not for me to account for the construction put upon it. Every man has a right to make his own remarks, […]
Author: Butler, a pseudonymous Loyalist writer “The scandalous, factious, threatning Piece, – nay the infamous, detestable virulent scrawl in Edes and Gill’s last Monday’s paper – that so truly deserved the censure of the lower – as well as the upper –, I find was explained away by – C—y and – J—t in a […]
Date: February 29, 1768 “Messieurs Edes & Gi[ll,] Please to insert the following. May it please you –, We have for a long Time known your Enmity to this Province. We have had full Proof of your Cruelty to a loyal People. No Age has perhaps furnished a more glaring Instance of obstinate Perseverance in […]
Date: December 28, 1767 “Friends, countrymen, and fellow-citizens” of Britain! “A very little time will convince you that my sole motive for addressing you, was the hearty good wishes, and sincere desire I ever shall have of” serving myself. “At that time I” tho’t “I saw nothing but hurry and confusion taking place” – “many […]
Date: March 21, 1765 “This may certify that about six Weeks ago I was called to visit Samuel Richardson son of Capt. Nathl Richardson. I found his nerves much disordered with frequent Twitchings and partial Convulsions attended with a Delirium. I bled him largely and gave him several Doses of Physick – upon which the […]
by Philo Physic, pseudonym of Joseph Warren Date: July 27, 1767 “To Doctor Young. Sir, I never had a wish to injure any man, nor would I give undeserved pain to the meanest reptile – My only aim in publishing my sentiments upon the matter in debate between Dr. Whitworth and you, was to discourage […]
Joseph Warren Defines Youngism: Self-conceit, Vainboasting, Impudence, Quackery, Boorishness, and Impertinent Loquacity

Date: July 6, 1767 “To Dr. Young: Sir, I perceive, without emotion, your unavailing rage; and look without concern, upon that malice, which, tho’ aimed at another, recoils with redoubled weight upon your own head. Your challenge to meet you, and demonstrate your ignorance of the Medical science, is intirely sup[e]rseded by your own publications: […]