Date: June 22, 1767 “To Misophlauros. Sir, I have read your publication in the last Evening Post, and cannot think that your recapitulation of Dr. Young’s arguments to justify his conduct, has at all served him. – The authors mentioned by Dr. Young, are in the hands of many gentlemen of the Faculty, and whoever […]
by Warren 1765-1770
There Once Was a Ship of War Unfortunately Lost Their Surgeon – Joseph Warren Blasts Dr. Thomas Young with Satirical Farce

Date: June 8, 1767 “Messieurs Edes and Gill, Please to insert the following friendly Letter to Dr. Young. Sir, It gives me great concern that I have been so unhappy as to fall under your displeasure: Yet as I am not sensible of having merited it, you much excuse my not making any acknowledgment of […]
This completes the alphabetic listing of names transcribed from by the newly rediscovered Boston 1767 non-consumption subscription. Page Col. Obv / Verso Place in Col. Sex First Name Last Name Notes on ms 5 1 O 1 M Henderson Inches 2 1 O 2 M Tho.s Ivers 2 1 O 11 M James Ivers 2 […]
Over 660 signatures appear on a newly re-discovered 1767 Non-Consumption Agreement from Boston. Here they are listed alphabetically by surname A through H. Page Col. Obv / Verso Place in Col. Sex First Name Last Name Notes on ms 6 2 V 9 M Jonathan Abrams 3 2 O 17 M John Adams Junr 1 […]
Over 660 signatures appear on a newly re-discovered 1767 Non-Consumption Agreement from Boston. Here is the second installment of transcribed names. Col Obv / Verso Place in Col. Sex First Name Last Name Notations on ms 5 1 O 1 M Henderson Inches 5 1 O 2 M William Etheridge 5 1 O 3 M […]
Author: Joseph Warren signatory and possible co-author “Boston 1769. We the subscribers Inhabitants of the Town of Boston being desirous to concur with the Merchants and Traders of said Town in their late laudable Agreement not to import any of the Manufactures of Great Britain, do hereby faithfully promise and engage that we will […]
Date: May 15 and 22, 1769; May 15, 1769 “All Persons indebted to the Estate of Nathaniel Wheelwright, Esq; late of Boston, deceas’d, by Bond, Note or Book, are requested to make immediate Payment —As the Creditors to said estate have desired the Administrator to sue without Delay for all Debts that may be due. […]
James Bowdoin, Joseph Warren, and Samuel Pemberton, in committee Date: March 23, 1770 “It may be a proper introduction to this narrative, briefly to represent the state of things for some time previous to the said Massacre; and this seems necessary in order to the forming a just idea of the causes of it. At […]
Date: June 28, 1770 “I the Subscriber having this day purchas’d a Negro Boy of Joshua Green have made the followg: conditions with him viz. That I will add Ten Pounds Lawfull Money to be paid in Potter’s Ware manufactur’d in this Town in three years to the Thirty pounds first agreed for if in […]