by Warren 1765-1770

Date: October 23, 1769 Authors: Thomas Cushing, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, et al “To Dennys DeBerdt, Boston, October 23, 1769. Sir: In pursuance of the directions of the Town of Boston we have the honor to transmit you a Pamphlet containing some observations upon divers letters and memorials wrote by Governor Bernard and others wherein […]

Date: November 29, 1768 Boston For Value received I promise to pay to John Adams Esq on Order forty two Pounds lawful Money in Three Months from the Date hereof. Joseph Warren Source: The Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Microform Reel 344 Commentary: For better documented historical figures, a piece of ephemera like this […]

Authors: Joseph Warren in Committee Date: June 6, 1768 “Illustrious Patriot The friends of Liberty, Wilkes, Peace and good order to the number of Forty five, assembled at the Whig Tavern Boston New England, take this first opportunity to congratulate your Country, the British Colonies and yourself, on your happy return to the land worthy […]

By: Joseph Warren in Committee Date: October 5, 1768 “Sir Your very obliging favor we receiv’d by Capt. Bruce the 18th ultimo.  The members were immediately assembled and inexpressible was the satisfaction of our regale on the genuine sentiments of a worthy Briton. Your health your friends and cause were the toasts of the evening.  […]

Author: A True Patriot, pseudonym Date: March 14, 1768 “With Pleasure I hear the general Voice of this People in favor of freedom; and it gives me solid satisfaction to find all orders of unplaced independent men, firmly determined, as far as in them lies, to support their own Rights, and the Liberty of the […]

Date: March 7, 1768 “My first performance, has by a strange kind of compliment, been by some applied to his Excellency Gov. Bernard. It is not for me to account for the construction put upon it. Every man has a right to make his own remarks, and if he satisfies himself, he will not displease […]

Date: February 29, 1768 Author: A true Patriot, pseudonym “May it please you –, We have for a long Time known your Enmity to this Province.  We have had full Proof of your Cruelty to a loyal People.  No Age has perhaps furnished a more glaring Instance of obstinate Perseverance in the Path of Malice, […]

Author: A True Patriot, pseudonym Date: December 28, 1767 “Friends, countrymen, and fellow-citizens” of Britain!  “A very little time will convince you that my sole motive for addressing you, was the hearty good wishes, and sincere desire I ever shall have of” serving myself.  “At that time I” tho’t “I saw nothing but hurry and […]

Author: Graph Iatroos, a pseudonym Date: February 1765 “Sir There has been [for] some time on foot a proposal [for] forming medical Societies or Associations of Doctors analogous to those of the Clergy for the more speedy Improvement of our young Physicians; as by communicating to each other any Discoveries in any of the Branches […]

Author: B.W., a pseudonym Date: October 7, 1765 “Time is not I trust yet come that Indolence has so enervated your Powers, that you will neither bestir yourselves to promote its [Liberty’s] Interests, nor make a stand, when oppression, like Poverty, invades as an armed Man…” “Not to feel for public Calamities – to be […]