Date: March 19, 1766 “[I]t is absurd to attempt to impose so cruel a yoke on a people who are so near to the state of original equality, and who look upon their liberties not merely as arbitrary grants, but as their unalienable eternal rights, purchased by the blood and treasure of their ancestors; which […]
by Warren 1765-1770
Author: Paskalos, pseudonym Date: December 29, 1766 “For altho’ you declare you are no hireling; yet you must expect to receive scorn and abhorrence for your wages.” Source: Boston Gazette
Author: A True Patriot, pseudonym Date: February 29, 1768 “[M]en totally abandoned to Wickedness can never merit our Regard, be their Stations ever so high. ‘If such Men are by God appointed, The Devil may be the Lord’s anointed.’” Source: Boston Gazette
Author: Philo Physic, a pseudonym Date: June 8, 1767 “[D]etached sentences from them [academic authorities], will never support irrational practice: They always expect that their general observations should be applied with judgment, and proper regard to particular circumstances.” Source: Boston Gazette
Author: Anonymous Date: August 4, 1766 “The story is told of a number of people who hired a man to go to Stafford, Connecticut, to bring back mineral water. He filled a thirty-gallon cask, sold the water all the way back to Massachusetts at one dollar per gallon, and by refilling it at each brook […]
Author: Graph Iatroos, pseudonym Date: February 1765 “[S]end it by a trusty Person carefully seal’d & superscribed lest a tel[l]tale Wife or Child divulge that which must be as secret as Masonry till some Societies are established.”
Author: Philo Physic, a pseudonym for Joseph Warren Date: July 27, 1767 Source: Boston Gazette Related: by Philo Physic, May 25, 1767; Philo Physic, June 8, 1767; Philo Physic, June 22, 1767; Philo Physic, July 6, 1767 “Sir, I never had a wish to injure any man, nor would I give undeserved pain to the […]
Author: Philo Physic, a pseudonym of Joseph Warren Date: July 6, 1767 Source: Boston Gazette Related: by Philo Physic, May 25, 1767; Philo Physic, June 8, 1767; Philo Physic, June 22, 1767; Philo Physic, July 27, 1767 “Sir, I Perceive, without emotion, your unavailing rage; and look without concern, upon that malice, which, tho’ aimed […]
Author: Philo Physic, a pseudonym of Joseph Warren Date: June 22, 1767 Source: Boston Gazette Related: by Philo Physic, May 25, 1767; Philo Physic, June 8, 1767; Philo Physic, July 6, 1767; Philo Physic, July 27, 1767 “Sir, I have read your publication in the last Evening Post, and cannot think that your recapitulation of […]
Author: Philo Physic, a pseudonym of Joseph Warren Date: June 8, 1767 Source: Boston Gazette Related: by Philo Physic, May 25, 1767; Philo Physic, June 22, 1767; Philo Physic, July 6, 1767; Philo Physic, July 27, 1767 “Sir, It gives me great concern that I have been so unhappy as to fall under your displeasure: […]