Committee of Safety

“Cambridge, June 4, 1775. May it please your Honours: We beg leave to represent to you the peculiar distresses of this Colony, being assured that you will, as the wise guardians of the lives, liberties, and properties of the whole of this extensive Continent, attend to the several circumstances of all who, under God, look […]

by Joseph Palmer “In Comtee of Safety, Watertown 25th July 1775… “…the Commanders of the New England Army, had about the 14th ulto received advice, that Genl: Gage had issued orders for a Party of Troops under his command to take possession, very soon, of a place [ ] by the Name of post themselves […]

“MASSACHUSETTS COMMITTEE OF SAFETY TO NEW-YORK, COMMITTEE. Cambridge, April 30, 1775. It has been proposed to us to take possession of the Fortress at Ticonderoga. We have a just sense of the importance of that fortification, and the usefulness of those fine cannon, mortars, and field-pieces which are there; but we would not, even upon […]

 Boston, December 12, 1774. GENTLEMEN, -We think it our duty to inform you, that one of the [British Navy] transports sailed from this port yesterday, in the afternoon, with several hundred soldiers on board. There are various conjectures concerning her destination; but it is generally believed she is designed for Newport, and that the troops […]

“To General Thomas May 10, 1775. I have this moment received your letter, the Contents very much surprised me, as I had been absent from the Committee of Safety all Day I could not at first understand the matter, but upon Enquiry I find the Committee gave Orders that all recruiting Officers should repair to […]

by Dr. Benjamin Church, Jr. To General Thomas “In Committee of Safety – Camb. May.10.1775 – Sir- As we are meditating a Blow against our restless Enemies – We therefore enjoin you as you would Evidence your Regard to Your Country, forthwith upon Receipt of this Order to repair to the Town of Cambridge, with […]