“To Mr. Daniel Brainerd and others of the Committee of East Haddam [Connecticut]. Boston, Sept. 1, 1774. Gentlemen, -The town of East Haddam, in their letter of the 24th August, discover such a cordial sympathy for our distress, and give such a pleasing proof of their resolution to assist us, as makes us more than […]
Date: April 26, 1775 “To the Governor and Company of Connecticut In Committee of Safety, at Cambridge, Gentlemen, – The distressed situation in which we are, and the danger to which the liberties of all America, and especially the New England Colonies, are exposed, will be the best apology for our importunate application to you […]
America will be Speedily Reduced to the Most Abject Slavery Unless it is Immediately Defended by Arms

Date: April 23, 1775 “In Provincial Congress, Watertown, “Resolved, unanimously, That James Sullivan, Esquire, a Member of this Congress, be immediately despatched to the Colony of New-Hampshire, as a Delegate from this body, to deliver to the Provincial Congress there the following Letter; and further inform them of the present situation of this Colony, and […]
“Cambridge, April 22, 1775. May it please your honor, – On Wednesday the 19th instant, early in the morning, a brigade of General Gage’s army marched into the country to Lexington, about twelve miles from Boston, where they met with a small party of minute men exercising, who had no intention of injuring the […]