Date: April 26, 1775 “To the Governor and Company of Connecticut In Committee of Safety, at Cambridge, Gentlemen, – The distressed situation in which we are, and the danger to which the liberties of all America, and especially the New England Colonies, are exposed, will be the best apology for our importunate application to you […]
Israel Putnam
“BOSTON, Aug. 15, 1774. Dear Sir, – Our public affairs have not changed their appearance since your departure. The people are in high spirits, and have the greatest confidence in the wisdom and spirit of the congress, whose decisions they seem determined to abide by. Mr. Gage sent, the day before yesterday, for the selectmen, […]
America will be Speedily Reduced to the Most Abject Slavery Unless it is Immediately Defended by Arms

Date: April 23, 1775 “In Provincial Congress, Watertown, “Resolved, unanimously, That James Sullivan, Esquire, a Member of this Congress, be immediately despatched to the Colony of New-Hampshire, as a Delegate from this body, to deliver to the Provincial Congress there the following Letter; and further inform them of the present situation of this Colony, and […]
Date: April 23, 1775 “In Provincial Congress, Watertown, Gentlemen, – Before this letter can reach you, we doubt not you have been sufficiently certified of the late alarming resolutions of the British Parliament, wherein we see ourselves declared rebels, and all our sister Colonies in New England, in common with us, marked out for the […]
Commentary: In the previous entry, I expounded on Mr. Frederic C “Rick” Detwiller’s assertion that controversial patriot James Swan appears as a key, and heretofore unidentified, figure in John Trumbull’s iconic painting Bunker’s Hill. The shirtless and shoe-less blonde young man in the painting bravely wards off an aggressive bayonet thrust by a menacing British […]