Date: May 25, 1767 “Messieurs Edes and Gill, Please to insert the following in your next Paper, and you will oblige the Writer. As the attention of the public has been for sometime engaged by the controversy between Dr. Whitworth and Dr. Young; and as those gentlemen have both requested the opinion of their brethren […]
Date: May 11, 1767 “Messieurs Edes and Gill, Please to insert the following. It was not my design when I last wrote to take any further notice of Young, or any thing he might publish; but as he has called upon me to appoint time and place to meet him, and fairly discuss those points […]
Public Satisfaction to See at Least One Blockhead Exposed to the Contempt We Both Agree Such Deserve

Date: May 4, 1767 “Messieurs Edes & Gill, Please to insert the following. Happy Continent, thrice happy Massachusetts, & even beyond a superlative Happy Boston, whose lot it is to be blest with so learned, so sagacious and disinterested a Physician, embellished as much as the Belles Lettres, as imbued with the art of Apollo. […]
Date: April 27, 1767 “Though no Person is less desirous of censuring a stranger than I am, yet when I find an ignorant empirick displaying his malice against me in a news paper, only because I was unhappily necessitated to condemn his ill-founded practice, I think none can blame me if I give a fair […]
“To the Publishers of the Boston Evening-Post. As Life and Health are the basis of all possible enjoyment, and disease every day threatens both, it is no wonder the professors of the art of medicine seem of such importance to mankind, especially when considered that the means of life in their hands if misapplied work […]