Author: Robert Vartanian (Continued from here) Several lodges both within the 6th Masonic District and outside of the District have supported this project, as have many individuals. We sincerely thank each and every one of these sponsors. After much time has been invested and after the many twists and turns, finally a dedication date has […]
Author: Robert Vartanian It was a cold rainy day in late April of 2015 when R.W. Stan Gaw took it upon himself to locate the grave of M.W. Joseph Warren. Bro. Gaw, being an analytical person, first inquired at the office of the Forest Hills Cemetery for help on his quest. The office provided him […]
Addressing Both Understanding and Passions – From the One he Forced Conviction from the Other He Stole Assent

Date: April 8, 1776 “ILLUSTRIOUS RELICKS! WHAT Tidings from the Grave! Why hast thou left the peaceful Mansions of the Tomb, to visit again this troubled Earth! Art thou the welcome Messenger of Peace! Art thou risen again to exhibit thy glorious Wounds, and thro’ them proclaim Salvation to thy Country! Or art thou come […]
“Boston, April 3, 1775. Sir, – Altho’ I have not the pleasure either of a personal or epistolary acquaintance with you, I have taken the liberty of sending you by Mr. Dana a pamphlet which I wish was more deserving of your notice. The ability and firmness with which you have defended the Rights of […]
Date: December 13, 1773 The brethren of the Ancient and Honorable Society of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS, are hereby Notified, That the Right Worshipful John Rowe, Esq; Grand Master of North-America, designs to celebrate the Feast of St. JOHN the Evangelist on Monday the 27th of December Instant, at the House of Brother Ingersoll, the […]