An ORATION; delivered March 5th, 1773, at the Request of the INHABITANTS of the TOWN of BOSTON; to Commemorate the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of March, 1770. By Dr. BENJAMIN CHURCH. Impius haec culta novalia miles habebit? Barbarus has segetes? En quo Discordia cives Perduxit miseros? En queis consevimus agros? Virgil. Ecl. I. O […]
Samuel Adams
“Naturally Impelled to Acts of Treachery” – Dr. Benjamin Church’s 1773 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text

Author: Jacob Duché Date: September 7, 1774 “O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on […]
Date: September 24, 1774 “Messieurs Printers, -As I have been informed that the conduct of some few persons of the Episcopal denomination, in maintaining principles inconsistent with the rights and liberties of mankind, has given offence to some of the jealous friends of this country, I think myself obliged to publish the following extract of […]
“The grenadier and light infantry companies were taken off duty, upon the plea of learning a new exercise, which made the Bostonians jealous, that there was some scheme on foot. A daughter of liberty, unequally yoked in point of politics, sent word, by a trusty hand, to Mr. Samuel Adams, residing in company with Mr. […]
Date: June 14, 1768 “Upon a Motion made and seconded, Voted, that Dr. Joseph Warren Dr. Benjamin Church Mr. Samuel Adams be a Committee to prepare the form of a Vote, to be laid before the Town at the Adjournment; expressing their great dislike at the manners of procedure in the Custom house Officers in […]
Date: May 4, 1768 “The Article in the Warrant Viz. ‘To consider of some proper Representations to be made respecting the Difficulties the Trade labour under by means of the late Regulations, and Methods to be taken for our Relief’ was read – whereupon Voted, that Mr. Henderson Inches Joshua Henshaw Esq The Honble. James […]
Lovell’s 1771 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text – Slaves Envy the Freedom of Others and Take a Malicious Pleasure in Contributing to Destroy It

by James Lovell Omnes homines natura Libertati student, et CONDITIONEM Servitutis oderunt. Caes. —: Nunc ea petit, quae dare aullo modo possumus, nisi priùus volumus nos bello victos confiteri. Cic. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, by Adjournment, on Tuesday the 2d Day […]
[to Samuel Adams, en route to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia] “Boston, 21 Aug. [1774] My Dear Sir, – I received yours from Hartford, and enclose you the vote of the House, passed the 17th of June. I shall take care to follow your advice respecting the county meeting, which, depend upon it, will have […]
Date: November 20, 1772 “… the following will not fail to excite the Attention of all who consider themselves interested in the Happiness and Freedom of Mankind in general, and of this Continent and Province in Particular. 1st. The British Parliament have assumed the Powers of Legislation for the Colonists in all Cases whatsoever, without […]
[James Lovell to Josiah Quincy, Jun.] “Boston, October 28, 1774. MY DEAR SIR: You will see by the papers, that immediately after you sailed, a Proclamation was issued to discharge the Members from attendance upon that General Court, for which precepts, you know, had been given out. They judiciously slighted sticking to Charter-rule; and upon […]