by James Lovell Omnes homines natura Libertati student, et CONDITIONEM Servitutis oderunt. Caes. —: Nunc ea petit, quae dare aullo modo possumus, nisi priùus volumus nos bello victos confiteri. Cic. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, by Adjournment, on Tuesday the 2d Day […]
about Warren 1771
Lovell’s 1771 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text – Slaves Envy the Freedom of Others and Take a Malicious Pleasure in Contributing to Destroy It

by James Lovell Omnes homines natura Libertati student, et CONDITIONEM Servitutis oderunt. Caes. —: Nunc ea petit, quae dare aullo modo possumus, nisi priùus volumus nos bello victos confiteri. Cic. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, by Adjournment, on Tuesday the 2d Day […]
Date: January 10, 1771 “Province of Massachusetts Bay to Jos: Warren To 730 Visits at 1/6 pt Visit from May 1769 to May 1770 £54/15/0 [the document goes on to list 30 people, of which 3 include “for Wife” and an added two “& Child” Line items for these people, added to the £54/15/0 totals […]
Author: John Adams Date: February 14, 1771 “Dined at Mr. Hancocks with the Members, [Dr. Joseph] Warren, [Dr. Benjamin] Church, [Reverend Dr. Samuel or William] Cooper, &c. and Mr. Harrison and spent the whole Afternoon and drank Green Tea, from Holland I hope, but don’t know.” Source: Diary of John Adams, The Adams Papers, Series […]
by John Greenleaf, about Mucius Scaevola Date: December 11, 1771 “Dear Sir, As you are desirous of having an Account of the Late transactions of the Governor and Council relating to the, and my conduct respecting the same, I shall gratify you by giving you a short detail, that you may be able to judge, […]
Date: August 1770 Authors: John Greenleaf in committee with Daniel Noyes, Samuel Pool, Aaron Hobart, David Jones, Jr. and Thomas Wilkse “Ever since what they call the massacre of the 5th of March, the news-papers have been full of resolves from the different towns, in support of the non-importation agreement, totally denying the power of […]
Author: Freeman, a pseudonymous Loyalist Date: December 28, 1771 I shall now proceed and consider another subject of complaint, The Governor’s receiving a salary from the Crown independent of the people, having first observed that there is not the least reason to suppose that the appointment of this salary was solicited by his Excellency. One […]
Author: [Anonymous], apparently extracted from the Boston Gazette Date: November 28, 1771 “Nov. 22. On Friday last in the afternoon his Excellency the Governor lais before the Council for their advice thereon, a paper in the Massachusetts Spy of Thursday, signed Mucius Scaevola, said to contain divers seditious expressions &c. The council after debating till […]
Author: A, a pseudonymous Loyalist Date: December 7, 1771 To Mucius Scaevola. In the detestation of your political enormities, suffer me to join in the publick voice: But as I can resent your crime without any disagreeable emotions, I shall go close through this address without breathing one anathema on the perpetrator. Could I possibly […]