Date: April 8, 1776 “ILLUSTRIOUS RELICKS! WHAT Tidings from the Grave! Why hast thou left the peaceful Mansions of the Tomb, to visit again this troubled Earth! Art thou the welcome Messenger of Peace! Art thou risen again to exhibit thy glorious Wounds, and thro’ them proclaim Salvation to thy Country! Or art thou come […]
about Warren 1776-1780
Addressing Both Understanding and Passions – From the One he Forced Conviction from the Other He Stole Assent

Date: July 13, 1776 Author: [Anonymous] “A report having prevailed, that Dr. Warren was not killed, I think it necessary to contradict it, as I saw a soldier, after the doctor was wounded, and lying in the trenches, going to run him through the body with his bayonet, on which the Doctor desired he would […]
Author: Mercy Scollay Date: November 26, 1776 [to Mrs. Dix] “I have been to see my little ones [Joseph Warren’s orphaned children] twice since I came home and found them well and as glad to see me as ever; the last time I was there the old lady [Mary Stevens Warren, Joseph’s mother] bed’d me […]
by Miss Mercy Scollay Date: July 27, 1776 [to Mrs. Dix] “Eben [Ebenezer Warren, Joseph’s brother] comming in for me and said his mother wanted to see me very much when I arrived at the old Ladys [Mrs. Mary Stevens Warren] she told me Mrs M—r [Miller] had sent out that morning and desired to […]
Author: Mercy Scollay Date: April 26, 1776 [Boston, to Dr. Elijah Dix] “My Good Friend I have this moment heard that Mr Williams sets of[f] for Worcester on Monday, and tho’ I have nothing of consequence to communicate I cant help beginning a whole sheet of paper in hopes my firtile brain will supply me […]
Author: Mercy Scollay Date: May 21, 1776 Will Mr. Hancock permit an obscure Friend to intrude upon him in those moments that he retires from the complea affairs of his country to taste the sweets of sociability that ever attends Domestic happiness? If he will, Miss Scollay puts in her claim and begs an audience. […]
Date: July 22, 1776 Author: Elizabeth (Betsey/Mrs. Charles) Miller “It is with pleasure I inform your your Niece Betsey is with me. She was inoculated for the small pox 14 days agone, & is like to have it very light, the other Children are at Mr. Scolley, it was with some difficulty I was favor’d […]
Author: Miss Mercy Scollay Undated, probably late April 1776 “To Mrs. Dix. Will my Dear Mrs. Dix forgive her friend for leaving this house and not again visit the Chamber that had so often witnessed the joys and sorrows of her checqerd state – but I feard to pain your gentle nature by taking a […]