Note: Yes, there will be a Springtime snow in Boston. Event just rescheduled to March 28, 2018 at 6 PM. See Old South Meetinghouse’s website for the latest information. Each year from 1772 to 1775, massive gatherings of men, women and children were held at Old South Meeting House to commemorate the anniversary of the […]
Dr. Benjamin Church
“Naturally Impelled to Acts of Treachery” – Dr. Benjamin Church’s 1773 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text

An ORATION; delivered March 5th, 1773, at the Request of the INHABITANTS of the TOWN of BOSTON; to Commemorate the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of March, 1770. By Dr. BENJAMIN CHURCH. Impius haec culta novalia miles habebit? Barbarus has segetes? En quo Discordia cives Perduxit miseros? En queis consevimus agros? Virgil. Ecl. I. O […]
Date: September 26, 1774. “At a Meeting of the Freeholders of this town, on Wednesday, the 21st instant, at Faneuil Hall, the following gentlemen were chosen to represent them in the General Assembly, to be held on the 5th of next month, viz: the Honourable Thomas Cushing, Esquire, Mr. Samuel Adams, the Honourable John Hancock, […]
Date: June 2,1775 [John Adams, at Philadelphia, to Abigail Adams] My Dear I had Yesterday the Pleasure of two Letters from you, by Dr. Church. We had been so long without any Intelligence from our Country, that the Sight of the Dr. gave us great joy. I have received no Letters from England, untill the […]
Date: Boston October 5, 1768 “Committee of the Boston Sons of Liberty to John Wilkes Sir Your very obliging favor we receiv’d by Capt. Bruce the 18th ultimo. The members were immediately assembled and inexpressible was the satisfaction of our regale on the genuine sentiments of a worthy Briton. Your health your friends and cause […]
Date: June 14, 1768 “Upon a Motion made and seconded, Voted, that Dr. Joseph Warren Dr. Benjamin Church Mr. Samuel Adams be a Committee to prepare the form of a Vote, to be laid before the Town at the Adjournment; expressing their great dislike at the manners of procedure in the Custom house Officers in […]
Date: Boston, June 6, 1768 Illustrious Patriot The friends of Liberty, Wilkes, Peace and good order to the number of Forty five, assembled at the Whig Tavern Boston New England, take this first opportunity to congratulate your Country, the British Colonies and yourself, on your happy return to the land worthy such an Inhabitant: worthy! […]
Date: March 22, 1770 “Benjamin Church, Jun., of lawful age, testify and say, that being requested by Mr. Robert Pierpont, the Coroner, to assist in examining the body of Crispus Attucks, who was supposed to be murdered by the soldiers on Monday evening the 5th instant, I found two wounds in the region of the […]
Date: November 20, 1772 “… the following will not fail to excite the Attention of all who consider themselves interested in the Happiness and Freedom of Mankind in general, and of this Continent and Province in Particular. 1st. The British Parliament have assumed the Powers of Legislation for the Colonists in all Cases whatsoever, without […]
“Boston November 18 1774 I hereby acknowledge the Receiving of Mr Caleb Hayward [o]f Dorchester be Saddle and Bridle Value Twelve Dollars which I received in Payment [o]f Part of a Debt due to me from the Estate of Captain John Hayward [o]f Braintree deceased which Sum of twelve Dollars I am informed is charged […]