“Committee of Donations Cambridge, May 15, 1775. Dear Sir, – I received your very kind letter, enclosing a bill of exchange of four hundred and twenty dollars, in favor of the distressed poor of Boston, upon Mr. Rotch, which I shall take the first opportunity of sending to him, not doubting but it will be […]
Dr. Benjamin Church
[to Samuel Adams] “Boston, Feb.10, 1775. Dear Sir, – We were this morning alarmed with a report, that a party of soldiers was sent to Cambridge, with design- to disperse the [Massachusetts Provincial] congress. Many here believed it was in consequence of what was yesterday published by their order. I confess I paid so much […]
[Dr. Benjamin Church to Samuel Adams] “Sunday Evening Sept 4th 1774 Dear Sir: Having closed my former letter, Further Intelligence coming to hand I seize a leisure minute to give it [to] you. Mr. Stearns just arrived from Paxtons informs me that the Inhabitants of Springfield, Leicester Paxton Spencer and the Towns adjacent had risen […]
by Thomas Young to Samuel Adams “Boston 4th Sepbr 1774 “Dear Sir By the enclosed papers you will perceive the temper of your countrymen in the condition, your every wish, your every sigh, for years past, panted to find it. Thoroughly aroused and unanimously earnest, something very important must, inevitably come of it. That treacherous, […]
by James Lovell to Josiah Quincy, Jr. “Nov.r 3.d 1774 Dear Sir From the same Reasons which I have given already for writing by Dundass (be the Name of his Vessel what it will,) I add a few Lines. You will receive the Proceedings of our [Massachusetts Provincial] Congress which is adjourned to ye 25.th […]
“To General Thomas May 10, 1775. I have this moment received your letter, the Contents very much surprised me, as I had been absent from the Committee of Safety all Day I could not at first understand the matter, but upon Enquiry I find the Committee gave Orders that all recruiting Officers should repair to […]
by Dr. Benjamin Church, Jr. To General Thomas “In Committee of Safety – Camb. May.10.1775 – Sir- As we are meditating a Blow against our restless Enemies – We therefore enjoin you as you would Evidence your Regard to Your Country, forthwith upon Receipt of this Order to repair to the Town of Cambridge, with […]
“Naturally Impelled to Acts of Treachery”- Benjamin Church’s 1773 Boston Massacre Oration – Full Text

An ORATION; delivered March 5th, 1773, at the Request of the INHABITANTS of the TOWN of BOSTON; to Commemorate the bloody TRAGEDY of the FIFTH of March, 1770. By Dr. BENJAMIN CHURCH. Impius haec culta novalia miles habebit? Barbarus has segetes? En quo Discordia cives Perduxit miseros? En queis consevimus agros? Virgil. Ecl. I. O […]
Date: March 5, 1774 “Men, Brethren, Fathers, and Fellow-Countrymen: The attentive gravity; the venerable appearance of this crowded audience; the dignity which I behold in the countenances of so many in this great assembly; the solemnity of the occasion upon which we have met together, joined to a consideration of the part I am to […]
Dates: October 23, November 2, and November 3, 1773 Author: Abiel Ruddock as secretary of the Boston North End Caucus “October 23, 1773. Gibbons Sharp Moderator. Voted – That this body will oppose the vending any Tea, sent by the East India Company to any part of the Continent, with our lives and fortunes. Voted […]