by James Lovell Omnes homines natura Libertati student, et CONDITIONEM Servitutis oderunt. Caes. —: Nunc ea petit, quae dare aullo modo possumus, nisi priùus volumus nos bello victos confiteri. Cic. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, by Adjournment, on Tuesday the 2d Day […]
James Lovell
Lovell’s 1771 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text – Slaves Envy the Freedom of Others and Take a Malicious Pleasure in Contributing to Destroy It

[James Lovell to Josiah Quincy, Jun.] “Boston, October 28, 1774. MY DEAR SIR: You will see by the papers, that immediately after you sailed, a Proclamation was issued to discharge the Members from attendance upon that General Court, for which precepts, you know, had been given out. They judiciously slighted sticking to Charter-rule; and upon […]
Date: September 5, 1775 Author: [Anonymous] “Yesterday morning advice was received of the safe arrival of the Russia Merchant, Captain Street, at Dover, from Boston, with some dispatches from General Gage, which were immediately sent express to the Secretary of State’s Office. – She sailed from Boston the 29th of July, but has brought no […]
by James Lovell to Josiah Quincy, Jr. “Nov.r 3.d 1774 Dear Sir From the same Reasons which I have given already for writing by Dundass (be the Name of his Vessel what it will,) I add a few Lines. You will receive the Proceedings of our [Massachusetts Provincial] Congress which is adjourned to ye […]