Note: Yes, there will be a Springtime snow in Boston. Event just rescheduled to March 28, 2018 at 6 PM. See Old South Meetinghouse’s website for the latest information. Each year from 1772 to 1775, massive gatherings of men, women and children were held at Old South Meeting House to commemorate the anniversary of the […]
Old South Meeting House
1 It is not without the most humiliating conviction of my want of ability that I now appear before you. But The sense I have of the obligation I am under to obey the calls of my country at all times, together with an animating recollection of your indulgence exhibited upon so many occasions, has […]
1 It is not without the most humiliating conviction of my want of ability that I now appear before you. But The sense I have of the obligation I am under to obey the calls of my country at all times, together with an animating recollection of your indulgence exhibited upon so many occasions, has […]
Warren’s 1775 Boston Massacre Oration in Full Text: Our Country Is In Danger but Not To Be Despaired Of

ORATION Delivered at Boston, 6 March 1775 “MY EVER HONOURED FELLOW CITIZENS, It is not without the most humiliating conviction of my want of ability that I now appear before you: but the sense I have of the obligation I am under to obey the calls of my country at all times, together with an […]